Total absence of excess mortality in China in 2020, except in Wuhan. Why is this so?
Further investigation about the absence of excess mortality (and therefore pandemic) in China, in 2020, except in Wuhan itself: Would 5G be involved in Wuhan, a pilot city with already, as of February 2018, more than 300 stations in Hubei province?
An example of fake-science: Nature magazine article from January 2022 blaming China, India and Africa for lack of excess mortality during the nonexistent pandemic
To those who ask whether we can trust studies published in ad hoc journals on mortality in China in 2020. I will answer, quite simply, with a question.
What would be the strategic interest of the Chinese Bolshevik Party to orchestrate, in all the provinces of the country, an under-mortality for the year 2020? Namely, when these data even demolish the entire “sanitary” foundations of the Wuhan pandemic theater, in spring 2020, and of the recent months-long containment theater of Chinese megacities such as Shanghai with 26 million inhabitants – in order to apply the totally insane “Covid-Zero” orders of Xi Jinping, the President of the Chinese Bolshevik Party.
In fact, the data of under-mortality in China for the year 2020 are very coherent with the data of some European countries for which the year 2020 was excessively calm in terms of global mortality.
Total absence of excess mortality in China in 2020, except in Wuhan. Why is this so?
This is confirmed by a study published in the British Medicine Journal in February 2021, entitled “Excess mortality in Wuhan city and other parts of China during the three months of the covid-19 outbreak: findings from nationwide mortality registries”. [44] According to the researchers’ findings – based on an analysis of 300 million people: «Except in Wuhan, no increase in overall mortality was found during the three months of the covid-19 outbreak in other parts of China. The lower death rates from certain non-covid-19 related diseases might be attributable to the associated behaviour changes during lockdown.»
Need I say again: no increase in overall mortality was seen during the three months of the covid-19 epidemic in other parts of China!!! Not only that, but the year 2020 in China, from a mortality perspective, is quieter, even, than the year before the fake pandemic, 2019. Isn’t that troubling?
Moreover, regarding Wuhan, the setting up of the beginning of the false pandemic must have been accompanied by some contaminating measures because, in fact, in 2020, there was no excess mortality neither in the provinces of China, nor in the province of Hubei, but only in the capital, Wuhan – with 1/4 of the province’s population – which recorded, that year, 5954 excess deaths… of which 4573 excess deaths due to pneumonia.
It is difficult to guess what really happened in Wuhan because according to a study published by the journal Nature Medicine, entitled “Estimating clinical severity of COVID-19 from the transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China”, only 2169 people died of CoqueVide/19 in this city of 9 million inhabitants. So, died of any influenza or pathology certified covidian by bogus PCR test. [54]
Conclusion: Wuhan is the only city in China that recorded any excess mortality in 2020. Why is this? Maybe because the Authorities needed the pretext of the French built P4 laboratory of Wuhan – famous for his bat-researches. Maybe, also, to punish the Wuhan citizens who, the year before, had heavily protested in the streets to denounce the very toxic atmospheric pollution of this city of China.
Further investigation about the absence of excess mortality (and therefore pandemic) in China, in 2020, except in Wuhan itself: Would 5G be involved in Wuhan, a pilot city with already, as of February 2018, more than 300 stations in Hubei province
A July 2020 study is entitled “Association of Cardiac Injury With Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19 in Wuhan, China” [132].
A total of 416 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 (based on fake PCR tests, but that’s another story) were included in the final analysis; the median age was 64 years (range, 21-95 years), and 211 (50.7%) were women. The most common symptoms were fever (334 patients [80.3%]), cough (144 [34.6%]), and shortness of breath (117 [28.1%]). A total of 82 patients (19.7%) had cardiac damage.
According to their finding. Heart damage is common in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, and is associated with a higher risk of in-hospital mortality.
Covid is a red herring, and it is rare for common influenza to be associated with such cardiac pathology.
I will now highlight the precariousness of some published scientific studies. For example, the study entitled “Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study”. [133]
It involves only 191 patients – for a city, Wuhan, of 12 million inhabitants: «191 patients (135 from Jinyintan Hospital and 56 from Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital) were included in this study, of whom 137 were discharged and 54 died in hospital. 91 (48%) patients had a comorbidity, with hypertension being the most common (58 [30%] patients), followed by diabetes (36 [19%] patients) and coronary heart disease (15 [8%] patients). » Namely 38% of patients with risk of cardiac pathologies.
It only concerns 191 patients of whom 54 died in hospital. This proves, once again, that there was no pandemic whatsoever.
Should we conclude that the epicenter of Covid/19 in Wuhan was a total construction of the Chinese state? Certainly. What were, thus, the vectors of excess mortality?
I will reiterate what I wrote in March 2020. For the entire province of Hubei, 37,144 people died, in 2015, from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. [141] This corresponds to 102 people per day – so, 25 people, per day, in Wuhan itself, inasmuch as a quarter of the population of Hubei Province is concentrated there.” Published March 7, 2020. [25]
At least 25 people die every day in Wuhan from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – permanently.
So what would be the cause of excess deaths in Wuhan in 2020 – the only place in China? The cause of 5954 excess deaths, officially… including 4573 excess deaths due to “pneumonia” – for a population of 12 million including the suburbs.
Because in fact, the Wuhan flu, in Wuhan itself, was not very violent. A Japanese epidemiological study, published on March 13, 2020, and entitled “Early epidemiological assessment of the transmission potential and virulence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan City: China, January-February, 2020”, highlighted that the mortality rate attributed to CoqueVide/19 in the city of Wuhan (population 12 million) was only 0.04% to 0.12% – and therefore much lower than that of a seasonal “flu”. [134]
I remember very well, videos circulating on the Web, in the spring of 2020, in which the first Chinese Bolshevik was booed by the inhabitants of a residential area of Wuhan who shouted in chorus – and in Chinese: fake, fake, fake. There has never been a coronaviral pandemic in China… and not in Wuhan.
Would 5G be involved in Wuhan, a pilot city with already, as of February 2018, over 300 stations? It would be enough to activate certain frequencies, characteristic of 5G, to activate graphene in the injected because the “vaccines” contain graphene for some years, or cause cardiac pathologies. One of the activations of graphene, in the body, can, for example, cause bilateral pneumonia.
Indeed, in May 2019, the Chinese press announced that [119] : «Central China’s Hubei Province has built more than 300 5G base stations and achieved full 5G signal coverage in its prefecture-level cities, local telecom sources said.
The China Mobile’s Hubei branch said more than 300 5G base stations have been built since February 2018, and a dozen 5G experience centers have been completed in cities including Xiaogan, Yichang and Jingmen.
In the experience centers, visitors can learn knowledge about 5G technology and are allowed to experience 5G networks and high-tech products such as VR glasses, robotic arms and robots. Visitors will also learn about the close connection of 5G products in their daily lives.
Wuhan, capital of Hubei, is one of the first pilot cities of the 5G network in China. So far, 5G technology has been applied in various fields in the city, including intelligent education, intelligent medical treatment, driverless vehicles, intelligent tourism, smart transportation and intelligent enterprises.»
It is also possible that the Chinese Bolshevik Party wanted to punish the population of Wuhan, which in 2019 protested strongly against the catastrophic environmental pollution. [120] [121]
An article, dated February 1, 2020, was titled “Polluted Air’ Could Be An Important Cause Of Wuhan Pneumonia”. [118]
An example of fake-science: Nature magazine article from January 2022 blaming China, India and Africa for lack of excess mortality during the nonexistent pandemic
Following the publication of this study, others emerged, here and there, to try to counter the truth of the non-existence of any pandemic.
For example, in this regard, here is a marvel of fake-science: an article, from January 2022, published in Nature, blamed China, India and Africa for lack of excess mortality during the nonexistent pandemic. This Nature article, dated January 18, 2022, is entitled “The pandemic’s true death toll: millions more than official counts”. [23]
The declared objective of this corrupt study, published in Nature, is to try to prove that the pandemic of the (invisible) Sars-CoV-2 occurred in 2020 and that it resulted in a huge excess of human deaths.
About China, I have already, in a recent post, presented a table highlighting the total absence of excess mortality in China. [48] What is striking is the related comment: «The increase in the death rate cannot be attributed exclusively to the increase in the number of deaths, but is also related to the decrease in the number of births and the resulting reduction in the size of the total population.» And the authors refer to a sketch demonstrating the lack of reduction in overall population size!!! [53]

Not only that, but the year 2020 in China, from a mortality perspective, is quieter, even, than the year before the fake pandemic, 2019. Isn’t that troubling?
In reality, as Pierre Chaillot has technically and impeccably proven in his book, for France, there has never been a pandemic in France, China, Africa or India – anywhere.
I invite readers to consult, also, the recent study entitled “2023-02-09 ::: Age-stratified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia” [167] It was published in February 2023. The authors are Denis G Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey and Jérémie Mercier.
The narrative about the virus is the Virus. And who are the carriers of the Virus. Who are they? WHO?
The choice of photographs, in this fake study, is already very revealing of a declared will to make propaganda in all ignominy.
A photograph of a handicapped person in a wheelchair… which would be more suitable to illustrate the primary (desired) effects of graphene injections.
A photograph of an open-air crematorium, with some bodies being burned, in Bangalore, India. I know Bangalore, pretty well, and it is not a few burning bodies, in this gigantic city, that could evoke any pandemic.
A photograph of a cemetery with a dozen fresh graves, in Yemen, in Aden. Not a few freshly dug graves in 2020 would suggest any kind of pandemic in Yemen – especially in Aden, which is in the midst of constant fighting.
I don’t have time to do a full analysis of this junk study. What is striking, above all, is that in their attempt to present millions of CoqueVide/19 deaths, the authors violently attack China, India and Africa, whom they accuse of lying and underestimating their “Covidian” over-mortality.
It is 2500 people, in China, and 2700 people, in India, who die, each day, of respiratory pathologies. Each day.
It is to be noted, moreover, that the only African country that appears in their statistics of pandemic over-mortality is South Africa – a very acquiescent country that has vaccinated its population, at 35%, and that even studies “scientifically” the symptoms of “Long Covid” (i.e. the graphene irradiation syndrome).
According to the authors of this scandalous study. «The WMD (World Mortality Dataset) lacks excess-death estimates for more than 100 countries, including China, India and many in Africa. That’s because those countries either do not collect death statistics or do not publish them speedily. But they also account for millions of COVID-19 deaths. A true pandemic global death toll cannot be counted without those data, but some researchers argue it is possible to model one…
Very low or zero ‘official’ numbers of COVID-19 deaths for countries where data are patchy or lacking present problems of their own, he says. They have fuelled nonsense theories that people in Africa have genetic resistance to the disease and don’t need international help or vaccines, for instance. »
For India and China, I will repeat what I wrote back in February 2020: the “pandemic” was set up with real images of sick people – in Wuhan, in the Chinese province of Hubei, for example. But, conventionally, these were patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases.
All the documentaries showing, in the spring of 2020, overflowing morgues and caravans of mortuary trucks in Italy, the USA, etc., are fakes.
«In China, 9 million people die annually, according to official state statistics. This corresponds to 25,000 deaths per day. According to their own statistics, about 10% of these deaths are due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). [140] This means that 2,500 people die every day from respiratory diseases in China.
Today, who can verify how many respiratory deaths are due to this new panic coronavirus? Thus, for example, for the province of Hubei, the most affected – supposedly – by Covid-19, 37,144 people died, in 2015, of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. [141] This corresponds to 102 people per day – so, 25 people, per day, in Wuhan itself, insofar as a quarter of the population of Hubei province is concentrated there. » Xochi. Published on March 7th, 2020. [25]
« As for India, on April 15, 2020, the Indian government banned the sale of alcohol and tobacco to its entire confined population of 1350 million. [186] India, to date, has recorded 377 deaths “attributed” to HullVac/19. This figure of 377 deaths should be seen in the context of the number of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in this country, which is approximately 1 million deaths annually (including asthma), i.e. 10.9% of the total deaths. This means that 2,700 people die every day from respiratory diseases in India. [187] [188] and we do not even mention the number of deaths attributed to lung cancer. Is there any mistake?» Published March 30th, 2020. [27]